Find the joy in the world

Social media is full of snark and worse. It can be a waste of time. But there are moments when the connection and communication makes it all worth it. Sports Illustrated writer Richard Deitsch tapped into those moments of connection and sharing by asking a simple question: How many of you have  a photograph of the single best moment of your life? He asked the question on Twitter. And people answered with photos that were happy, sad, small moments, big moments, success against the odds. All were such wonderful expressions of life and love and joy. Here’s a “CBS Morning Show” take on the response.

I want to thank Richard Deitsch over and over again for encouraging people to share these moments. I do think we need to live in the now and appreciate the moments of profound joy that can tap us when we least expect it as well as in the moments of great anticipation like births and proposals and graduations. But I also think whatever connects us and allows us to share those moments we’ve captured can elevate all of us, if just for a moment. So thanks Richard Deitsch and thanks Twitter.



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