It’s mine, all mine

I am not sure why I didn’t do this before, but I have my own domain. It’s definitely a learning curve, but timing is great as I can blog right along with my Feature Writing Class and my Intro to Mass Comm Tech class.

typewriterI’ve asked the students to write about writing and what they think about writing. It’s been a part of me for so long that I don’t think about what I like or don’t like. I just do it. As the years have gone by, I consider myself more of an editor than a writer, but that’s only until I start writing and then I remember why I like it.

  • I get to talk to people about all kinds of interesting things. And eventually, almost everything becomes interesting.
  • Then I get to tell other people about it.

What’s not to like? I like that good writing can move me to tears or laughter. Good writing can make me say, “Yes, it’s just like that.” I like finding the right word, the right metaphor, the right simile. I like taking out adjectives and adding great verbs. I like writing with a great pen on a page out of an artist’s sketchbook. I like writing at my kitchen table on my laptop or on my couch on my iPad.

I like short bursts on Twitter and long magazine articles that draw you in.  I like books and newspapers and magazines and online and the back of cereal boxes.

I like it all. I’m blessed to have jobs as professor and copy editor that let me write and edit and read and coach others to do the same.


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